Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Some important considerations

Notification Filters are by default case insensitive, ; we do this as CVE Database has lots of different ways vendors and products are spelled with mixed cases. This also means also you can search for words with whatever typing you want, such as ‘microsoft', 'Microsoft', ‘Microsoft, ‘Microsoft,’ etc. We also support raw search, ; however, we think in most cases, you won’t have to do this. If raw is something you do a lot of in the future, let us know, and we will make your use case some new transformations.

Filters can use either keyword search or filter expressions.

Some examples of where it will work and not work are:

  • "remote code execution" is a keyword search, is allowed

  • vendor="Microsoft" and "remote code execution" will not work

  • vendor="Microsoft" and description.str.contains("remote code execution") will work


In Notification Groups Notification Groups , we had an example where a Notification Group needed to be created with Network Team name, and they needed two of their filters going to two different places. This is where Notification Filters come in.


with delivery to their Slack Channel “cisco_support”support.”

Code Block
Filter 2, "External Supported Network Team" : vendor.str.startswith("palo"")  


There are three parts to understanding filters. The first is the name of the columns and what they mean, and what type they are as certain types such as data fields only allow certain operations , and the filter expression language.





CVE (cve)

The CVE is usually the Mitre / NVD CVE. However, however there are times where CTCI will create a CVE or prefix the CVE with a few letters such as : R for Research, I for Intel, H for Honeypot, and p for provisional. An example would be HR-CVE-XXXX-XX, where we have a CVE we are seeing see that has matched our Honeypot and has been researched.


Year (year_)

The year of the CVE, now we usually extract this from the CVE-YYYY-XXX, where YYYY is the year. However, there are a few CVEs that have been retrospective given different numbers. Year A year can be filtered and grouped on.


NVD Score (base_score)

This is the NVD base score for this CVE. For unknown values, sometimes this is set to Unknown or sometimes set to a value. When it is, we will add that to the External note.


CVE Date (cve_date)

This is was when the CVE was published to Mitre, which may or may not have had had any details or scoring when it was published.

the string then converted to a date-time object in the back end

NVD Severity (base_severity)

This is the Severity that is found in NVD. When it is an unknown value, we sometimes then set this value. If we do, then this is added to that External note.


Vendor (vendor)

This is the vendor, ; if there is a large number of CPEs for vendors, we still take what Mitre has published. Sometimes for consistency, we will change the capitalization of the Vendor.


Product (product)

This is the product, ; if there is a large number of CPEs for vendors, we still take what Mitre has published as the base product. Sometimes for consistency, we will change the capitalization of the product.


Vulnerability Type (vulnerability_type)

This is scarcely added, as you can get some of this information from the CWE.


Description (description)

This is mostly the NVD/Mitre description of the CVE.

string / note

Date Added (date_added)

Is That is when this was added to the list.

string, then converted to date time on the backend

Reference (reference)

This is mostly the NVD reference , unless it’s not easily found or there is a lot better reference.



This is a different scoring system, so it makes sense to use CVSSv2



This is for CVEs greater than 2016.



Future - we will have this option as well



This is a montomic monotonic increasing number used by API and other services to know when we have new CVEs that have to be notified on.


Updated On (updated_on)

Today this isn’t a good indicator, as we are generating the updates and checks to the list daily, and thus the field is current. In the future, we want this to be exactly that - updated on.

string, then converted to date time on the backend

CWE (cwewe)

The standard for Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE), where possible we try to retrofit a CEW if one is not properly found.


Honeypot (honeypot)

This is the date/time within reason on where we saw the first hit of this CVE exploit.

string, then on the back-end is converted to a date-time object

Intel (intelIntel)

This is the date/time within reason on where we saw the automated intel hit of this CVE exploit.

string, then on the back-end is converted to a date-time object

Research (research)

This is the date/time within reason on where we an analyst analysts did manual research to find the first hit of this CVE exploit

string, then on the back-end is converted to a date-time object


This is a flag , to say whether you have processed this CVE entry. It’s helpful for integrating what you have already processed and not. Within the UI, you can show all entries, processed entries as grayed out and hide the processed entries.



  • Keyword search is like a simple Google string search, and it will search for all fields matching that string. In the UI, just type anything and hit enter. In the API, just make sure you are using the right quoting, . The simple view is to use single quotes on the outside and double quotes on the inside of the query, or vice-versa, do not mix as this is like crossing the streams in Ghostbusters, it’s . It’s very bad.

  • A pandas query-like language with a few notable changes/exceptions.


If you work in cybersecurity, then learning Python computing language can make you stronger, faster, and able to leap security incidents in a single bound.

We retrieve the stored filter from a database, ; then we process CEWL using the Pandas library query operators with a few notable changes:

  • The ability to return local variables, functions using the @ operation , has been allowed to only a small number of variables.

  • There is no need to do double equals, though if you still want to, then knock yourself out:


  • Case insensitive by default, we do all the hard work making things lower case and checking everything is compared against values in lower case.

  • We do trimming data , so that spaces before words are ignored and such, as data in the Mitre CVE data is messy.

  • It is still necessary for specific type operations, such as string operations, to put .str after the column, then the operand, for example:

    Code Block
    product.str.contains("palo") - There are lots of string operations. 

More Documentation to help you

As mentioned previously, we use Pandas for doing the filtering. Well, well there is a wealth of knowledge with this library - happy days! In CEWL, there are columns returned, and in Pandas, they are called Series. Series = Column, so anytime you see Series think of column name. If a command has Series.str.contains(), think this as replacing Series with your column, it . It becomes description.str.contains(“memory corruption”) - this would return all rows that have memory corruption within their description.

Go to:


Then search for contains.


As we mentioned before, Series are columns in our world, ; we are looking for pandas.Series.<what we are after>.


Note: As previously mentioned, we do everything by default in lower case, so when using contains, use the lowercase string of what you are searching for. Notice the documentation also brings up, match, ‘startswith’ and ‘endswith’‘endswith.

Query Language

Order of operation

This is python plus pandas, so the order of operation is sometimes a little bit undefined. It is best to put parentheses () around operations if you need to ensure they are doing what you expect.


To do something less than and equal to is <=

Escape Operator - Your get out of jail free card.

By default, we replace = with == so that you don’t have to remember to use == every time you want to do a test. In some cases, you don’t want to have this expansion. We support an ` as the escape, so if you type in `=, then on the backend, we won’t make it ==. Raw is supported as well, but that brings up a whole different can of worms, case sensitivity, etc.


Writing filters is about returning a true or false per row, so you will be using logical operators all the time.


Logical Or Operator Example


For example, give me where there is no Intel, and there is Research.

Code Block
intel.isnull() and research.notnull()


You can return all the CVEs that are not critical, just . Just put a not in front of the isin condition.

Code Block
not base_severity.isin(["critical"])


Code Block

Look what I can do with big numbers.

Pandas mathematical expressions off the hook! There are lots of cool expressions we can write.


Important consideration - We are doing filtering queries that check if each row is true, and if it is, the row is returned. This means all expressions must return a boolean expression, a yes or no, true or false.

So we can do an expression such as base_score.min() on its own, we need to do a comparison operation, this would become base_score<=base_score.min(). This will return the lowest NVD Scored CVE that is being exploited in the wild. [Technically, we could have just done = instead of <=]


Code Block
base_score >= base_score.min() and vendor="oracle"

More likely, you want to do it in quantiles, for example, covering 95% or the bottom 5% or the middle, 50%. Quantiles are in decimal point, so 5% is 05, 50% is 0.5 and 95% is 0.95. To get all Microsoft CVEs that meet the bottom 5% of all NVD Scores.


The rank is a fancy operator in Pandas, ; this will return the lowest entries that are true outliers based on their NVD Score (base_score). Show that query to your boss, ; you might get a raise. (smile)

Code Block
base_score.rank(method`="dense", pct`=True) <0.05


Get all CEWL entries that are at the average (mean). Say the average was 7.76534234 if we did the query base_score==base_score.mean(), we wouldn’t return any rows as the base_scores are one decimal point. So we have to do a plus or minus, of a small distance. See below, where we put in a plus/minus 0.1. Now you can, of course, get all greater than the mean, which you don’t need to do the plus/minus trick, as you are not doing an exact equal to.


So we know there are lots of mathematical operations, we . We explored max, min, median, mean (average), standard deviation (std), quantile, and rank.


A lot of the columns use strings, such as vendor, product, description, base_severity, and CWE are strings. You can do lots of operations on strings, to . To do the operations, you get the column name in lower case or the special column name such as base_severity for NVD severity, then put .str, then put the operation.

Code Block
<lower case column name with underscore as spaces or special name>.str.<operation>

Most commonly used string operations.

Operation (<column name>.str.<operation>)



If empty

not <column name>.str.isnull()

If not empty. If it has something in it!


If it contains the <string>, for example description.str.contains(“remote code execution”) where return all the CEWL entries where the description contains remote code execution. Contains also supports regex - way cool!


If Suppose the entry for the column starts with <string>, for example, where vendor.str.startswith(“palo”“Palo”), to return all the vendors that start with Palo - should return Palo Alto Networks.


If the entry for the column ends with <string>, for example, where product.str.endswith(“Player”), to return all the products that end with Player, would return things like Flash Player and such.


Returns the length of the entry, so you could find all products where the length of the product name is less than 5, product.str.len()<=5


slice(start, stop)


Is the string a number


Is the string alpha numericalphanumeric, numbers, and letters


Concatenate a string with a string


Get a character at the index value. Indexes start at zero.


Join a string with a string.


Split a string on a delimeterdelimiter


Split strings on delimiter working from the end of the string


Replace occurrences of pattern/regex/string with some other string or the return value of a callable given the occurrence


Strips spaces or whatever value you pass it


Strips spaces or whatever value you pass it from the right-hand side


Strips spaces or whatever value you pass it from the left-hand side

Other string operations

Operation (<column name>.str.<operation>)



Duplicate values (<column>.str.repeat(3) equivalent to x * 3)


Add whitespace to left, right, or both sides of strings


Pad strings in the Series/Index by prepending ‘0’ characters.


Replace slice in each string with the passed value


Count occurrences of pattern


Compute a list of all occurrences of pattern/regex for each string


Call re.match on each element, returning matched groups as a list


Call on each element, returning DataFrame with one row for each element and one column for each regex capture group


Call re.findall on each element, returning DataFrame with one row for each match and one column for each regex capture group


Make the string lower


Make the string have a case fold


Make the string upper case


Return the index of a string find


Return the string capitalized


Return the string with the case swapped


Returns whether all characters are alpha numericalphanumeric


Returns whether all characters are alphabetic


Returns whether all characters are digits


Returns whether all characters are spaces


Returns whether the string is lower


Returns whether the string is upper


Returns whether the string is in title case


Returns whether the string is numeric


Returns whether the string is decimal


Dates and times are always tricky; sometimes, sometimes the simple things are the hardest things to do. On top of that, we have timezone operations, and such can further complicate the matter.


The Notification Filter icon is a bell with a plus sign so that you create a notification filter to create an alert. If you haven’t added a Notification Filter, your page should look something like this, a message saying No Notification Filters yet, and a button to create a Notification Filter. Please see the figure below:


Figure 3, Create a new Notification Filter.

The Id is the internal reference to this Notification Filter. The Save button is self-explanatory, the . The back button goes back to the list of Notification Filters.

Field Name



Ignore - internal reference, and you can ignore

Filter Name

This is required , and is the name you would like to give to the Notification Filter.


Whether this Notification Filter is Enabled, it’s disabled by default.


This is a multi-line field , that you can leave a note for someone about this Notification Filter. Putting who to contact, who owns this Notification Filter, and other details could really help other people and new hires.


This is the filter. If the filter is empty, it will send all new CVEs to the Notification Delivery or to the default Email Address.

Company Name

This will be your Company Name by default , if you don’t set it. If you manage Partners or other companies, you can select where this Notification Group get’s gets created.

Notification Group

A filter needs to be belong to a Notification Group

Notification Email

This is a default email value, and you don’t have to set a Delivery Group

Notification Delivery

This is a Notification Delivery such as : Email, Slack, Teams, Jira, and Webhook.

Notification Filter Role

Future - this will allow you to have different people editing this Notification Filter.

Notification Filter Expiry

Future - To be able to expire this Notifcation Notification Delivery after a certain amount of time has expired.

Notification Filter Permission

Future - this will allow you to have different people editing this Notification Delivery.

Notification Schedule

Future - To allow to run filters at different times. Currently, currently they run every time there is a new CVE created and then notified straight away.


The next page shown will be the show page, it . It shows all the details, ; we call it the show page. To Edit, you must click the edit button at the bottom of the page. The reason we do this is if people have the audit role, they can only show and not edit, and by default, once the filter is set, it should be mainly viewing it then editing it, this . This will reduce accident changes.


The Notification Delivery will have a dropdown where you can select a Notification Delivery. If you don’t want to use the Notification Delivery and use the default Notification Delivery for the Notification Group, then level this empty. Notification Group must be selected, and a Notification Filter must be a part of a Notification Group.


Once you have created a Notification Delivery, you can now, in the list view, select the Notification Delivery, and at show mode, you can click on Test Notification Delivery.


Note on Testing Notification Delivery

The success and failure message is only if it could be sent. So if the email is valid, it is only checking the first hop of sending the email, not on the delivery, the . The same goes for Slack, Teams, Webhook, and Jira.

If you have selected One message per item, we will send multiple messages, ; otherwise, the test Notification Delivery will send a few of the last CVEs as one formatted message.


Slack, Teams, and such support really cool formatting - blows my mind, how cool you can make stuff nowadays - I still love the lynx browser. If you really want a template with field substitution, then let us know. Our API has template passed, but there is no way to set it today.

Deleting a Notification Filter

Two ways to do it, within . Within the edit page, see the icon above in Figure 5, Choosing to Notification Filter, and in the list view, select the checkbox and scroll all the way right, and you will see a Delete icon. See Figure 6 below.
