Release Notes

Release Notes for 31st March 2023

  • Improved throughput - increased pool size and new drivers

  • Fixed a single CVE bug if typing in a CVE that is not enabled


Release Notes for Feb 19th, 2023

  • Improved speed by 10x for retrieving values for a specific CVE

  • Added Delivery name and Delivery ID sent with notifications to help know which notification delivery is being used.

  • Added the ability to send a specific CVE through Delivery, for doing redelivery, testing your DevOps processes, and the like.

Figure showing the ability to test a specific delivery with a CVE.

Release Notes for Jan 4th, 2023

  • Automatically resizing the web forms to make it easier to read Summary notes and External Notes without having to manually re-size yourself


Release Notes for Nov 10th, 2022

  • Support the use of language accents for registering people with umlauts and such. Thanks, Swiss peeps for helping us out on that one.


Release Notes for Oct 10th, 2022

  • Summary notes automatically created from External Notes

Showing the new auto-expanded External Note and Summary Note


Release Notes for June 16th, 2022

  • Have External Notes for new CVEs


Release Notes for May 11th, 2022

  • The main portal website now has Matchy Matchy

  • It has some fixes for time editing for CEWL

  • It has a better display for people viewing a CEWL entry


Release Notes for Feb 24th, 2022.

  • Matchy Matchy - now notifies people that it runs locally and doesn’t send any of your data to our systems.

  • CEWL and Matchy Matchy are not shown in the menu option if you are only a Legit user.

  • Added a new card in documentation so you can go to these release notes.

  • Fixed dark theme to make the menu options easier to see.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes the CEWL search to create notification filter didn’t work.

  • Tokens can be copied in the UI from the show view and no need to go to edit view.


Release Notes for January 27th, 2022.

We have now made CEWL search-like tools like Splunk and Google, where you need to type something before it brings back the whole list. Makes the UI feel soo much more snappier without having to wait for the data

We had added Matchy-Matchy, so you can match your CVEs with the CEWL CVEs, note that this is run in the browser and your data is NEVER sent to us. We want to do privacy right!

Bug Fix


Bug Fix


Sometimes there was page shifts are the rare occasion due to CSS styling bug

We found the bug, it was the styling for Country that was now and again resetting the page. Bug squashed with both feet.

We have also done some preparation for some new products coming into the portal soon


Release Notes for October 20th, 2021

Mouseover for external note has been added. We are adding external notes for the first point of context to nearly all CVEs at the moment.

Column mouseover with the correct backend values has been updated.


Release Notes for October 13th, 2021

Added Documentation to add CEWL notifications to Jira automation.

Bug Fix


Bug Fix


Changing the Jira field from jira_incoming_webhook to webhook

Customers with webhooks for Jira were working, newer customers the field wasn’t being saved in the new standard field: webhook.


Release Notes for October 12th, 2021





Handling multiple email addresses in email fields

This will now support comma separated email addresses. There will be a UI update to make this support auto-expansion for this field.


Release Notes for 23rd of September, 2021

New feature

Link drill-down for email, Slack, and Microsoft Teams is now available.


Release Wednesday 8th of September 2021





Handling email domains to different companies

Sometimes you want to change the email domain to another company such as a subsidiary, this will no longer return an error


Notifications has a number of ways we can notify by CVE, id_ref, date/time and all. These fixes were to ensure better notifications as a number of backend notifications alerting had a few issues. The next thing we are adding is auto-notification, if it has been added and not sent out within the hour, it will be sent out. This is to handle where people want the entries all together then each individually.

User registration for companies

Now when users register and the company has been added they will be now the role of user. Before they had no rights and the role of the user had to be done manually by admin.


Release Thursday, 29th of July 2021





Show full cewl entry

Currently, only super-admin has this ability, will have a show button that shows the full entry that is easier to read and such.

On the CEWL toolbar is now:

In production

Adding Internal Notes more often.

Setting some context of why we added it to CEWL, in process, mostly to whether it is technology-based, geography-based or business vertical-based.

In process in production


Bug fixes/performance updates

Bug Fixes / Performance updates


Bug Fixes / Performance updates


Faster downloads of static resources - faster web pages.

CDN compression enabled for all text mime types; this has had a dramatic improvement on the download of large javascript libraries.

In production

Faster CEWL page, reducing network requests by 10x

Compression enabled for the CEWL download to a browser.

CEWL list is around 1MB; now, with compression, it’s about 100K download now.

For API to get this to work, you need to set accept gzip in the header.

Accept-Encodinggzip, deflate

In production

Static resources have caching settings.

Static resources such as the javascript libraries, font, icon, media, and such are in the process of being set to have caching enabled.

Backgroun images are 10x smaller

We have used compression on the images and made them 10x smaller. We might make them progressive as well to improve render speed in the future.

In production


In Detail

Testing from Australia, Sydney EC2 instance with 5MB/s max connection. A complete reload of the login page from Australia takes, on average, 3.1 seconds.

With caching enabled, you can see that the browser is loading all the data from the cache. Now Google fonts CSS has a cache of 1 day, the rest of the content has a cache of 300 days. Looking at the figure below nearly everything is in the cache, which is loaded locally in nearly 0ms. The large javascript bundle that gets loaded on the login screen covers nearly all application logic. React_devtools_backend.js isn’t used, it’s only injected in Chrome when we are in dev tools mode to get this picture. We are also looking at setting a cache value for favicon.ico as we have settled on the icon.

From Sydney, we pass content and application as green. There are some security headers we are looking to add, but most of them are always HTTPS, for which we have a mandatory redirect from HTTP to HTTPS. (We have removed this security rating as here we are focusing on performance and content.)

On static files, you should now see the cache being set for 300 days.